We are starting step 2 of our Inquiry Project.
Students have to choose a way to show everything that they have learned and show their new understandings.
On Monday we will go to the computer lab to learn 3 ways to show their learning -
1. Prezi - online presentation software - our class log in is my email kwallace@sd38.bc.ca and the password butterfly2013. Students can log in at home or at school.
2. Powerpoint - part of microsoft office - students need their memory stick to take their presentations back and forth between school or home - they can also email their presentations back and forth
3. Time Toast - online timeline creator - images and info can be added.
user name: Mrs_Wallace password butterfly2013
Students are also able to use iPad apps to show their learning:
- some apps students are familiar with are...
Haiku Deck
Pic Collage
Students may also choose to...
Write a research report
Create a poster showing their learning
Write a song about their learning
TEDTALK - oral presentation
- using their product as a prop - student will create an oral presentation - more to come.
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