Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Homework Reminders

1. Math project due on Friday. Project is called

Choose a Number
(tried to scan and attach the project description but I could not figure out how to embed it in the blog.
Each student has a copy of the project. I will retype the assignment below

For this project you will choose a whole number that has a special significance to you and create a poster.

Your finished product must include:
• an explanation of why you chose this number.
• all factor pairs for your number
• a description of your number. For example is it,
- odd or even
- prime or composite
- a multiple of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9
• a pattern in which your number is the fifth term in a sequence of ten numbers
• four different word problems in which number is the sum, the difference, the product and the quotient
• for different equations in which your number is the unknown addend, a subtrahend, and unknown factor and a divisor - this is a bonus question for grade 5s
• two multi-step word problems featuring your number
• two multi-step featuring your number
• the written word (and/or symbol) for your number in three foreign languages
• two statistics or facts involving your number
• three photographs, drawings, or newspaper/magazine clippings showing where you have recently see your number used in the real world
• a drawing or design that you create that represents your number in a unique way.

Be creative in your presentation and be sure to use our classroom resources to check the meaning or any math vocabulary above that you are unsure of.

Due: Nov. 15

2. French comic strip 
8 boxes
2 lines of dialogue in each box
use French duo tang and classroom chart paper examples to help.
Students have had 3 class blocks to work on this project - at home is meant to be a finish up time.
must be coloured and all French words spelled correctly.
Due: Nov. 15

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