Monday, 13 May 2013

Power Points Due on May 16

Power Points are Due on Thursday. Many students have completed their power point but several have work to do. Students had 2 periods on Friday and 1 today to finish up. I really feel that students had more than enough time to finish. Some student are still learning to use their time wisely in class. A fair number of students also do not have their USB stick here today so they have emailed their points to themselves.
Here is the criteria for the power points. THis project is a social studies as well as writing project.
Performance Criteria
PowerPoint “was ready” to go
within the specified timeline
PowerPoint was “almost ready” to go within the specified timeline
PowerPoint was “late” and not ready within the specified timeline
PowerPoint was “never” completed
Information was presented in a logical, interesting sequence that was easy to follow
Information was somewhat difficult to follow because student tended to "jump around" from topic to topic
Information was difficult to follow because student tended to "jump around" from topic to topic
There did not appear to be any sequence nor order to the information presented.
Technical Specifications
Every slide contained a slide transition
Show contained appropriate # of slide
Slide transitions were not used for 1-3 slides
Show was missing a few slides
Slide transitions were not used for 4 or more slides
Show was missing a lot of slides
Slide transitions were not used the majority of the time
Show was no where close to being complete
Background does not detract from text or other graphics. Choice
of background is
appropriate for this
Background does not detract from text or other graphics. Choice
of background could have been better suited
for the project.
Background does not
detract from text or
other graphics. Choice
of background foes not
fit project.
Background makes it
difficult to see text or
competes with other
graphics on the page.
Text - Font
Choice &
Font formats (e.g.,
color, bold, italic) have
been carefully planned
to enhance readability
and content.
Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability.
Font formatting has
been carefully planned
to compliment the
content. It may be a
little hard to read.
Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material.
Content -
defined Child Labor
map – country and continent
product choice is evident
Rights of the child outlined and violations noted
hopeful solutions presented
solutions that students can take on are presented
thinking and ideas are original and show extra thought
☐ wow factor!
defined Child Labor
map – country and continent
product choice is evident
Rights of the child outlined and violations noted
hopeful solutions presented
solutions that students can take are presented

The content is generally
accurate, but one piece
of information is clearly
flawed or inaccurate.
Content is typically
confusing or contains
more than one factual
error. It is difficult to
understand the time
period that was chosen.
Spelling and
Presentation has no
misspellings or
grammatical errors
Presentation has 1-2 misspellings, but no grammatical errors
Presentation has 1-2
grammatical errors but
no misspellings.
Presentation has more
than 2 grammatical
and/or spelling errors.
Use of
All graphics are
attractive (size and
colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation.
A few graphics are not attractive but all support the
theme/content of the presentation.
All graphics are
attractive but a few do
not seem to support the
theme/content of the
Several graphics are
unattractive AND detract
from the content of the
Project includes all
material needed to gain a comfortable
understanding of the
student’s academic progress.
Project includes most material needed to gain
a comfortable
understanding of the student’s academic progress.
Project is missing more
than two key elements.
Project is lacking
several key elements
and has inaccuracies
Use of Technology
Demonstrated a total understanding of how technology is used for this project
Demonstrated some understanding of how the technology is used for this project.
Showed little understanding of how the technology is used for this project
Showed no understanding of how the technology is used for this project
Computer Usage
Displayed proper respect and appropriate behavior when using the computer
Had a difficult time staying focused and working on their project had to be re-directed once during the class period
Had a difficult time staying focused and working on their project had to be re-directed more than one time during a class period
Displayed inappropriate behavior when using the computer.
Overall PowerPoint
An outstanding PowerPoint. The PowerPoint kept my interest and was among the very best in class.
A good PowerPoint. The student demonstrated the ability to utilize the various features of the program, however, the PowerPoint did not always keep my interest
The student did not seem comfortable with the PowerPoint program and/or needed a lot of outside assistance in getting through the PowerPoint.
The student displayed little knowledge and/or understanding of the components of assignment, software, computers, etc.

May 10 th
Reflection Sheet.

My project is due ___________________ .
In the next 6 days I have to

My plan for getting this work done is
• use our last computer block on Monday, May 13.

 This the Criteria sheet that was handed out on Friday. Students made a plan about how they were going to finish their powerpoint projects. 

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